Find property tax of house valued $450,000 of the tac base is $1.2 For every $90 in value.

I get 4,999.986

(450000/90)*1.20 = 6000

How did you get 5000? Just multiply by $1.00 per $90?

Oh I did my set up wrong I was thinking

1.2 + 90x=450,0000

Then solve for x.

Thank you Steve

To calculate the property tax for a house valued at $450,000 with a tax base rate of $1.2 for every $90 in value, follow these steps:

1. Determine the value of the house in terms of increments of $90:
$450,000 / $90 = 5,000 increments

2. Calculate the tax amount per increment:
$1.2 x 5,000 increments = $6,000

3. Round the tax amount to the nearest whole number:
$6,000 rounded = $6,000

Therefore, the property tax for the house valued at $450,000 would be $6,000.

It seems like you rounded incorrectly and obtained an answer of 4,999.986 instead of rounding it up to the nearest whole number.