Which type of organism has cells with a cell wall? What does the cell wall do?


The plant cell wall is composed of cellulose. Cellulose is a structural carbohydrate and is considered a complex sugar because it is used in both protection and structure. The plant cell wall consists of three layers. Each layer has its own unique structure and function.

Thanks this really helped!

The type of organism that has cells with a cell wall is primarily found in plants, bacteria, fungi, and some protists. The functions of the cell wall vary depending on the organism, but generally, they provide structural support, protection, and regulation of cell shape and integrity.

To find this answer, you can start by understanding the basic characteristics and features of different types of organisms. For example, you can study the characteristics of plants, bacteria, fungi, and protists. By doing so, you will learn that these groups of organisms have distinct cell structures and properties.

For more specific details about the cell wall, you can then delve into each group individually. For plants, a cell wall made of cellulose surrounds the cell membrane, providing support, protection, and preventing excessive water uptake. In bacteria, the cell wall maintains cell shape and prevents osmotic lysis. In fungi, the cell wall is composed of chitin and provides structural rigidity. In protists, the cell wall can vary in composition and function depending on the specific species.

By researching these organisms and their cell structures, you can gain a deeper understanding of the types of organisms that possess cell walls and the functions these walls serve.