terry takes a bus journey of 9km travelling at an average speed of 36km/h a) calculate the time taken in minutes for the bus journey. He then walks the remaining 2km to his home in 20 minutes. b) calculate his average walking speed in km/h. c) calculate terry's average speed for the entire journey from school to his home.

a. T = 9km/36km/h = 0.25h = 15 min.

b. r = 2km/20min = 0.10 km/min = 6 km/h.

c. r = d/T = 11km/(15+20)min. =

distance = speed * time

(a) (9km)/(36km/hr) = (9/36)hr
(b) 20 min = 1/3 hr, so (2km)/(1/3 hr) = 6km/hr
average speed is total distance divided by total time
(c) (9+2)km/(1/4 + 1/3)hr = 11/(7/12) = 132/7 km/hr

I leave it to you to simplify the final values.

To calculate the time taken for the bus journey, we will use the formula Time = Distance / Speed.

a) The distance for the bus journey is given as 9km, and the average speed of the bus is 36km/h. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:
Time = 9km / 36km/h = 0.25 hours.

Since we need to calculate the time taken in minutes, we will convert 0.25 hours into minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so:
Time in minutes = 0.25 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 15 minutes.

Therefore, the time taken for the bus journey is 15 minutes.

b) Terry walks the remaining 2km in 20 minutes. To calculate his average walking speed in km/h, we will use the formula Speed = Distance / Time.

The distance Terry walks is 2km, and the time taken is 20 minutes. We need to convert the time to hours, as the speed is measured in km/h.
Time in hours = 20 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 0.33 hours.

Now, we can calculate Terry's average walking speed:
Speed = 2km / 0.33 hours = 6.06 km/h (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, Terry's average walking speed is approximately 6.06 km/h.

c) To calculate Terry's average speed for the entire journey from school to his home, we need to consider the total distance traveled and the total time taken.

The total distance traveled is 9km (by bus) + 2km (by walking) = 11km.

The total time taken is 15 minutes (for the bus journey) + 20 minutes (for walking) = 35 minutes. We will convert this time to hours:
Total time in hours = 35 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 0.58 hours (rounded to two decimal places).

Now, we can calculate Terry's average speed for the entire journey:
Average speed = Total distance / Total time = 11km / 0.58 hours = 18.97 km/h (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, Terry's average speed for the entire journey from school to his home is approximately 18.97 km/h.