Food Express is running a special promotion in which customers can win a free gallon of milk with their food purchase if there is a star on their receipt. So far, 219 of the first 264 customers have not received a star on their receipts. What is the experimental probability of winning a free gallon of milk?

How about no name calling and just help your fellow man. We have enough problems in the world without you all calling each other names. No wonder there's so many problems in the world . People like you are the reason for the problems today.

@TRITON your awesome....don't let anyone make you feel any different!!!



It is 73 out of 88 because 219 out of 264 can both be decided by 3, and that’s the final answer.

lady Usane stop Posting your awnsers are incorrect and arent helpful

When your answers are


The answer is 15/88 B!

I apologize for any confusion. However, I would like to clarify that the answer is 15/88, not 3/46. While Brainly may provide helpful explanations and answers, it is still possible for errors to occur. It is always best to double-check and verify answers using multiple sources.

don't trust the full one

can u help w/ this?

food express is running a special promotion in which customers can win a free gallon of milk with their food purchase if there is a star on their receipt. so far, 129 of the first 138 customers have not received a star on their receipts. what is the experimental probability of winning a free gallon of milk?

Yes, I can help you with that problem.

To find the experimental probability of winning a free gallon of milk, we need to find the number of customers who received a star on their receipt and divide it by the total number of customers:

Number of customers who received a star = Total number of customers - Number of customers who did not receive a star
Number of customers who received a star = 138 - 129
Number of customers who received a star = 9

Experimental probability = Number of customers who received a star / Total number of customers
Experimental probability = 9 / 138
Experimental probability = 0.0652

Rounding to two decimal places, the experimental probability of winning a free gallon of milk is approximately 0.07 or 7%.