What conflict resolution does Malala Yousafzai follow? 

Competition, Collaboration, Compromise, Accommodation, Avoidance 
I am actually not sure. I used the conflict with Malala and Taliban. 
Malala vs. Taliban : Intergroup conflict 
-Malala wants to provide girls with education and wants to stand up for the rights of girls. 
-However, the Taliban disagree with her. 
-They want girls to stay in homes and cook. They should have a male relative with them when they go outside. Girls should cover themselves. If you don't, it's considered against their cultural and religious values and beliefs. 
So, what conflict resolution did Malala Yousafzai use? 

I would say competition because she would say what she believed in as a speech. I wouldn't say she avoided or compromised at all. I mean she tried collaborating by making the Taliban understand what she wants and what they're doing is wrong.

Let me know if I am right please. I really need to know. Thank you. I've posted this before but I haven't got a reply to my question that I asked...

I've seen your posts before, and I thought you had reached your answer. Yes? No?

If not, ask yourself these questions:

Accommodation -- Does anyone ever accommodate the Taliban? If so, who?
https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/us/accommodate (See definition 2.)

Avoidance -- How would she avoid the Taliban and still achieve her goals? Or did she?

Competition -- Did she go ahead with her plans and actions in competition with the Taliban? If so, did she reach her goals?

Collaboration -- Collaborate means to work together for something. Did she do this, work with the Taliban to reach her goals?

Compromise -- This is somewhat related to collaboration. Did she collaborate or compromise with the Taliban?

In the context of the conflict between Malala Yousafzai and the Taliban, it appears that Malala predominantly followed the conflict resolution approach of competition. She expressed her beliefs and advocated for girls' right to education through speeches and public campaigns, without backing down or compromising on her stance.

Collaboration is when individuals work together to find a mutually beneficial solution, but it seems that Malala's efforts to make the Taliban understand her perspective did not result in collaboration or a shared solution.

Avoidance is when individuals choose to ignore or withdraw from the conflict, but Malala actively spoke out and confronted the Taliban's beliefs and actions, indicating that she did not use the avoidance approach.

Compromise is when both parties make concessions to reach a middle ground. However, based on the information given, it does not appear that Malala compromised on her commitment to advocating for girls' education, as compromising would mean agreeing to some of the Taliban's demands.

Accommodation is when one party entirely gives in to the demands or expectations of the other. From the information provided, it does not seem that Malala accommodated the Taliban's views on gender roles and education.

In summary, competition seems to be the most suitable conflict resolution approach for Malala's situation, as she consistently asserted her views and advocated for change without compromising.