am i correct?

Determine which ordered pair is a solution of y= -5x + 10

a. (-15, 5)*****


I disagree

a. 5 = 75+10 ??
b. 0 = -10+10 ??
c. -5 = 5+10 ??
d. 25 = -15+10 ??

Go with Reiny. I was wrong.

To determine which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y = -5x + 10, you need to substitute the x and y values of each pair into the equation and see if it holds true.

Let's test each option:

a. (-15, 5)
Substituting x = -15 and y = 5 into the equation:
5 = -5(-15) + 10
5 = 75 + 10
5 = 85 (This is not true, so this option is not a solution.)

b. (2, 0)
Substituting x = 2 and y = 0 into the equation:
0 = -5(2) + 10
0 = -10 + 10
0 = 0 (This is true, so this option is a solution.)

c. (-1, -5)
Substituting x = -1 and y = -5 into the equation:
-5 = -5(-1) + 10
-5 = 5 + 10
-5 = 15 (This is not true, so this option is not a solution.)

d. (3, 25)
Substituting x = 3 and y = 25 into the equation:
25 = -5(3) + 10
25 = -15 + 10
25 = -5 (This is not true, so this option is not a solution.)

Therefore, the ordered pair (2, 0) is the only solution to the equation y = -5x + 10.