24. You use a line of best fit for a set of data to make a prediction about an unknown value. The correlation coefficient for your data set is -0.015. How confident can you be that your predicted value will be reasonably close to the actual value?

My answer: I would be pretty confident that my predicted value would be close to the actual value because my correlation coefficient is -0.015, and is a relatively small number. The bigger the number, the farther away.

I don't really understand the question, so anything helps! My answer above is just me guessing from what I have previously learned, since we haven't really covered this subject.

i always felt bad for ms.sue for being disliked when she was tryna help but now i see why everyone dislikes her.

yikes Ms. Sue being is rude and stinky

Ms. Sue, what let’s you tell someone that they are not allowed to disagree with someone?

Ms. Sue you don’t have the right to do that

Thank you everyone who chimed in! I ended up getting a 3 out of 4 for my answer!!

sure, let's all chime in

correlation coefficient values are ... -1 ≤ cc ≤ 1

a greater absolute value means better correlation

values close to zero (like -.015) indicate very little correlation

I actually AGREE with Lynn. Even though Lynn guessed, her answer is actually CORRECT!!!!

We disagree.


I disagree with Lynn, the student who posted the question.

Monika -- what's your background that enables you to disagree with a retired university professor?