Which three-dimensional figure has all triangular faces?



The three-dimensional figure that has all triangular faces is called a tetrahedron. To understand how to identify a tetrahedron, you need to know that a tetrahedron is a polyhedron with four triangular faces, six edges, and four vertices.

To recognize a tetrahedron, you can visualize a pyramid with a triangular base. All three sides of the base connect to one vertex at the top, forming three triangular faces. The base itself is also a triangle, making a total of four triangular faces.

To further verify that a figure is a tetrahedron, you can check if it meets the following conditions:
1. The figure should have exactly four faces, and each face should be a triangle.
2. The figure should have exactly six edges, connecting the vertices of the triangles.
3. The figure should have exactly four vertices, where each vertex connects to three edges.

By applying these characteristics and conditions, you can determine if a given three-dimensional figure is a tetrahedron.