Which of these is an advantage of the North? (during the Civil War)

Better transportation systems **
More experienced commanders
Greater commitment to the cause
Stronger support of the civilian population

Feedback would be appreciated.

Better transportation systems

I agree. Better transportation systems (and greater industrialization in general).

Based on the options provided, the advantage of the North during the Civil War was a better transportation system. To understand why this was an advantage, we need to examine the context of the Civil War.

During the Civil War, the North had a significant advantage over the South in terms of transportation infrastructure. The North had an extensive network of railroads and canals, which allowed for the efficient movement of troops, supplies, and equipment. This infrastructure played a crucial role in supporting the Union army's logistical needs.

To identify this advantage, I used deductive reasoning by evaluating each option and its relation to the North. In this case, having a better transportation system is a direct advantage that the North possessed during the Civil War.

If you need further information or explanation, please let me know!