A plane flies northward 430 km, how far is it from its starting route.

430 km

Not the best at math but I knew thay one. Because north is straight forward, therefore it must be 430 km from where it started.
Hope that helped :)

Duty first under I sure by year

To determine how far the plane is from its starting route, we need to use basic trigonometry. We will consider the plane's northward flight as a displacement directly upwards on a coordinate plane.

Let's assume that the plane starts at the origin (0,0) on the coordinate plane. The question tells us that the plane flies northward 430 km. This indicates a straight line vertical displacement of 430 km.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the distance from the plane's starting route by forming a right triangle with the displacement of 430 km as the vertical side.

The horizontal side, representing the distance from the starting route, will be the hypotenuse of this right triangle.

Using the Pythagorean theorem formula, which states that c^2 = a^2 + b^2, we can calculate the distance from the starting route, where a and b are the legs of the right triangle (vertical and horizontal sides) and c is the hypotenuse.

In this case, a = 430 km (the vertical side), b = 0 km (the horizontal side), and c is what we want to find.

The equation becomes:
c^2 = 430^2 + 0^2
c^2 = 184,900
c ≈ 430 km

Therefore, the distance from the starting route is approximately 430 km.