“My father wanted me to have his ancient Toyota pickup truck for sentimental reasons however, it’s always breaking down.�

Which of the following changes should be made to sentence 9?
Add a semicolon after reasons.
Add a comma after truck.***
Add a colon after to.
Remove the apostrophe in it's.

Change that. it is A

Yes, A.

The correct change that should be made to sentence 9 is:

B. Add a comma after truck.

To determine the correct change that should be made to sentence 9, let's analyze the sentence and identify any grammatical errors or issues.

The sentence is currently: "My father wanted me to have his ancient Toyota pickup truck for sentimental reasons however, it's always breaking down."

The issue in this sentence is the use of the word "it's." "It's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has," but the intended meaning in this sentence is possessive. Therefore, the apostrophe in "it's" should be removed.

Therefore, the correct change that should be made to sentence 9 is:
D. Remove the apostrophe in it's.

The revised sentence would be: "My father wanted me to have his ancient Toyota pickup truck for sentimental reasons; however, its always breaking down."