Which of these words has the same denotative meaning as, but a different connotative meaning than, the word slender.

A.) narrow
B.) skinny
C.) compressed
D.) needlelike

Which of these is a collective noun?
A.) colony
B.) dogs
C.) them
D.) cows

Which sentence contains a collective noun?
A.) the band came marching in
B.) sandy marched to the mall
C.) Alex plays the trumpet
D.) Susie and her sister like to dance

Last night, we sat through a movie _________ was four hours long.
Which of these correctly completes the sentence?
A.) whom
B.) who
C.) what
D.) that

We'll be glad to check your answers.

My answers are

Ms. Sue

rip ms. sue :(

A.) Skinny

A.) Colony

A.) The band came marching in

B.) who

To determine which word has the same denotative meaning but a different connotative meaning than the word "slender," you would need to understand the definitions and connotations of each word given (narrow, skinny, compressed, and needlelike). Denotative meaning refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word, while connotative meaning refers to the emotional or subjective associations that people have with a word.

To answer the first question, you would:

1. Look up the definitions of each word - "slender," "narrow," "skinny," "compressed," and "needlelike" - in a reputable dictionary.

2. Compare the denotative meanings of each word. Denotatively, "slender" means thin in an attractive way.

3. Compare the connotative meanings of each word. Connotatively, "narrow" means limited or restricted, "skinny" can sometimes carry negative associations of unhealthiness, "compressed" implies being squeezed or pressed tightly together, and "needlelike" suggests being thin or sharp like a needle.

Based on this, the word "narrow" (option A) has the same denotative meaning as "slender" but carries a different connotative meaning.

For the second question, a collective noun is a word used to refer to a group or collection of individuals. To determine which option is a collective noun, you would:

1. Understand the definition of a collective noun and its purpose in the English language.

2. Look at each option - "colony," "dogs," "them," and "cows" - and assess whether they fit the definition of a collective noun.

Based on this, the word "colony" (option A) is a collective noun as it refers to a group or collection of individuals, such as a colony of ants or bees.

To find the sentence that contains a collective noun, you would:

1. Understand what a collective noun is and how it functions in a sentence.

2. Examine each sentence - "the band came marching in," "sandy marched to the mall," "Alex plays the trumpet," and "Susie and her sister like to dance" - and determine if any of them include a word that functions as a collective noun.

Based on this, none of the sentences given contain a collective noun. Therefore, there is no correct option.

To complete the sentence "Last night, we sat through a movie _______ was four hours long", you would need to determine the appropriate pronoun to fill in the blank. This requires understanding the grammatical rules for pronoun use.

1. Identify the type of pronoun needed based on the sentence structure and grammar rules.

2. Assess each option - "whom," "who," "what," and "that" - and determine which one correctly fills in the blank.

Based on this, the correct option is "that" (option D), as it functions as a relative pronoun to introduce a subordinate clause specifying the movie's duration.

1.)B - yes

2.)A - yes
3.)A - yes
4.)D - yes
