What is the name of the fourth son. In the second sentence there is no question mark hence fourth son name is 'what'

I see only one sentence.

Nice to have the answer, however.
Is Who on first?


It seems there may be some confusion. The fourth son's name is not "what". Without further information, it is not possible to determine the name of the fourth son. If you have any additional details or context, please provide them so I can assist you better.

I'm sorry, but your statement seems to be incorrect. The second sentence you provided does not describe the name of the fourth son. It seems like you are trying to infer that the fourth son's name is "What" due to the absence of a question mark. However, it's important to note that the absence of a question mark does not necessarily indicate a statement or a name. The question mark is a punctuation mark used to indicate a direct question or inquiry.

If you are looking for the name of the fourth son, you would need more information or context to determine what the correct answer might be.