Write each statement as an inequality. Then give 3 solutions of the inequality.

7 minus 5 is less than x

8 is greater than or equal to u

H is greater than 5 times 8

P times 7 is less than or equal to 63

7 - 5 < x

2 < x
Solutions -- x = 3, 4, 5

8 ≥ u
Solutions -- u = 5, 6, 7

You try the other two. I'll be glad to check your answers.



Cheyenne/Dylan -- please use the same name for your posts.

Yes, your answer is right.




Your last answer is wrong.

7P ≤ 63

Sue I don't get it px7 <=6

As 9x7=63
So p is less or equal to 8,7,6

I'm sorry. I didn't see the inequality so didn't realize your answer was correct.

That's ok. Thanks for your help

To write each statement as an inequality, we need to understand the different inequality symbols and their meanings:

1. "Less than" is represented by the symbol "<".
2. "Less than or equal to" is represented by the symbol "<=".
3. "Greater than" is represented by the symbol ">".
4. "Greater than or equal to" is represented by the symbol ">=".

Now let's write the given statements as inequalities:

1. 7 minus 5 is less than x:
The inequality is: 7 - 5 < x
Simplifying: 2 < x

2. 8 is greater than or equal to u:
The inequality is: 8 >= u

3. H is greater than 5 times 8:
The inequality is: H > 5 * 8
Simplifying: H > 40

4. P times 7 is less than or equal to 63:
The inequality is: P * 7 <= 63

Now, let's find three solutions for each inequality:

1. For 2 < x:
- Solution 1: x = 3 (3 is greater than 2)
- Solution 2: x = 4 (4 is greater than 2)
- Solution 3: x = 5 (5 is greater than 2)

2. For 8 >= u:
- Solution 1: u = 8 (8 is equal to 8)
- Solution 2: u = 7 (7 is less than 8)
- Solution 3: u = 0 (0 is less than 8)

3. For H > 40:
- Solution 1: H = 41 (41 is greater than 40)
- Solution 2: H = 50 (50 is greater than 40)
- Solution 3: H = 100 (100 is greater than 40)

4. For P * 7 <= 63:
- Solution 1: P = 7 (7 times 7 is equal to 49, which is less than or equal to 63)
- Solution 2: P = 8 (8 times 7 is equal to 56, which is less than or equal to 63)
- Solution 3: P = 1 (1 times 7 is equal to 7, which is less than or equal to 63)

These are three solutions for each inequality statement.