what would happen to the number of rotations if the circumference of the tire were increased by 20%

what would happen to the number of the rotation if the circumference of the tire were to decrease by 20%

per rotation is 10,000miles

I assume that there is a constant distance to be covered.

the number of rotations is d/C where C is the circumference of the tire.
so, d/(1.2C) = 1/1.2 * d/C
The number of rotations would be divided by 1.2


To determine the effect of changing the circumference of a tire on the number of rotations, you need to understand the relationship between circumference and rotation.

The circumference of a tire is equal to the distance it covers in one full rotation. The formula for circumference is C = 2πr, where C represents the circumference and r represents the radius of the tire.

Now, let's explore the two scenarios you mentioned:

1. If the circumference of the tire is increased by 20%:
To find the new circumference, you need to multiply the original circumference by 1.2 (1 + 20% = 1.2). Let's call the original circumference C1 and the new circumference C2.
C2 = 1.2 * C1

The number of rotations remains constant as it depends on the distance traveled. So, if the circumference increases by 20%, the number of rotations remains the same.

2. If the circumference of the tire is decreased by 20%:
Similarly, to find the new circumference, you need to multiply the original circumference by 0.8 (1 - 20% = 0.8). Let's call the new circumference C3.
C3 = 0.8 * C1

Again, the number of rotations remains constant as it depends on the distance traveled. So, if the circumference decreases by 20%, the number of rotations remains the same.

In conclusion, changing the circumference of a tire by a percentage does not affect the number of rotations. The number of rotations only depends on the distance traveled, which remains the same regardless of the circumference change.