1.The elites in a society:

a.are those with college degrees.

b.must be locally elected officials.

c.are software designers and computer engineers.

d.are the people who get a disproportionately large part of the society's valued resources.

D ?

Yes, D.

Thank u!

Yes, the correct answer is D. The elites in a society are the people who get a disproportionately large part of the society's valued resources.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A, B, and C because they don't encompass the entire concept of elites in a society. Option A suggests that only those with college degrees are considered elites, which is not true as there are various factors that contribute to one's status as an elite. Option B states that elites must be locally elected officials, but this definition restricts the concept to a specific group of individuals and excludes other potential elites. Option C narrows down the elites to software designers and computer engineers, which is also an incomplete definition.

Option D, on the other hand, highlights the defining characteristic of elites, which is their access and control over a disproportionate amount of a society's valued resources. This could include wealth, power, influence, and other resources that affords them a dominant position in society.