I'm something really important for without me you cannot enjoy slumber and stay stranded wherever you are. It's easy to find me if you know the hottest place of your parents' abode.

Based on the given information, it seems like you are looking for an item or object that is necessary for enjoying sleep and being able to stay in one place. To find this item, you need to know the "hottest place" in your parents' abode.

First, think about what could be the hottest place in your parents' house. It's likely referring to the room where they sleep, commonly known as the bedroom. Bedrooms often have a specific item that is associated with sleep and staying in one place.

Considering these hints, the item you are looking for is likely a "bed." Beds are essential for sleep and enable you to stay in one place comfortably. They are usually found in bedrooms.

To identify the bed in your parents' abode, simply go to their bedroom and look for the large piece of furniture with a mattress, pillows, and sheets. The bed provides a comfortable surface for sleeping, allowing you to enjoy slumber and remain in one location for an extended period of time.