How many rectangles can you find with an area of 32?

infinite number

a * b = 32
however if you mean integer a and b

To find the number of rectangles with an area of 32, we can start by listing all the possible combinations of factors of 32.

The factors of 32 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32.

We can use these factors to calculate the dimensions of the rectangles. For example, if the length is 1, the width would be 32. If the length is 2, the width would be 16, and so on.

Here are all the possible combinations:

1. Length = 1, Width = 32
2. Length = 2, Width = 16
3. Length = 4, Width = 8
4. Length = 8, Width = 4
5. Length = 16, Width = 2
6. Length = 32, Width = 1

So, there are 6 rectangles with an area of 32.

To find the number of rectangles with an area of 32, you need to consider all possible combinations of its length and width.

First, note that the area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying its length and width. In this case, we are given an area of 32. Therefore, we need to find all the pairs of numbers whose product equals 32.

To simplify the search, let's start with the factors of 32: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32.

Now, we can consider all possible combinations of these factors as the length and width of the rectangle. For example:
- If the length is 1, the width must be 32 (1 x 32).
- If the length is 2, the width can be 16 (2 x 16) or vice versa.
- If the length is 4, the width can be 8 (4 x 8) or vice versa.

Following this logic, we need to try all combinations of these factors and count how many rectangles we can form.

So, by considering all possible combinations, we find the following rectangles with an area of 32:
- 1 x 32
- 2 x 16
- 4 x 8
- 8 x 4
- 16 x 2
- 32 x 1

There are a total of 6 rectangles with an area of 32.