Maria is 7 years older then her brother Robert and in 2 years her age will be four times what Robert’s age was three years ago. Find their present ages.

Maria is 14 and robert is 7

To find Maria and Robert's present ages, let's break down the problem and solve it step by step.

Let's assume Robert's current age is "x" years. So, Maria's age would be "x + 7" years since Maria is 7 years older than Robert.

In 2 years, Maria's age will be "x + 7 + 2" years, and Robert's age will be "x + 2" years.

According to the problem, in 2 years, Maria's age will be four times what Robert's age was three years ago. Mathematically, we can represent this statement as:

x + 7 + 2 = 4(x - 3)

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents Robert's current age:

x + 9 = 4x - 12
9 + 12 = 4x - x
21 = 3x

Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate x:

x = 7

So, Robert's current age is 7 years.

Now, we can calculate Maria's age using the given information:

Maria's age = Robert's age + 7
Maria's age = 7 + 7
Maria's age = 14

Therefore, Robert's present age is 7 years, and Maria's present age is 14 years.


m+2 = 4(r-3)
now solve