What does diffusive mean in the following?

"But th0" I seem in star and flower/"To feel thee some diffusive power"

a- scattering
b- transforming
c- understanding
d- uniting

My answer is A

Right, again!

Yes, you are correct. In the given context, the word "diffusive" means scattering. It implies that the power that the speaker feels in star and flower is spreading or dispersing in an unconfined manner.

To determine the meaning of "diffusive" in the given context, we can break down the sentence and look at the options provided.

The line reads, "But thou I seem in star and flower, / To feel thee some diffusive power."

The word "diffusive" in this sentence suggests that the speaker is experiencing a power or quality that is spreading or dispersing.

Let's analyze the given options to find the closest meaning:

a) scattering: This option is relevant because scattering involves the act of spreading or dispersing. It is close in meaning to diffusive.

b) transforming: While transforming can involve a change or conversion, it does not quite capture the sense of spreading or dispersing that "diffusive" conveys.

c) understanding: Understanding does not align with the idea of spreading or dispersing. It pertains more to comprehension or interpretation.

d) uniting: Uniting refers to bringing things together or forming a whole, which does not fit the context of "diffusive."

Based on the analysis, option a) scattering is indeed the correct answer, as it closely matches the idea of spreading or dispersing that "diffusive" conveys in the given context.