To rent a canoe costs $15 for the first hour and $12 for each additional hour or fraction of an hour. Which point is NOT included in the graph of this step function?

the answer is (2;5, 39)

To determine the point that is not included in the graph of the step function for canoe rental, we need to analyze the given pricing information.

The cost of renting a canoe is $15 for the first hour and $12 for each additional hour or fraction of an hour.

From this information, we can create a table of values to represent the step function:

| Hours | Cost ($) |
| 1 | 15 |
| 2 | 27 |
| 3 | 39 |
| 4 | 51 |
| ... | ... |

Based on this table, we can see that the cost increases by $12 for each additional hour or fraction of an hour.

Now, let's focus on answering the question. The point that is not included in the graph of this step function would be any point where the number of hours is not a positive whole number or fraction.

Since the pricing information mentions a cost of $12 for each additional hour or fraction of an hour, we can conclude that any negative value or zero for the number of hours would not be included in the graph.

Therefore, the point (0, $15) is not included in the graph of this step function.

To determine which point is not included in the graph of this step function, we need to understand the behavior of the function.

The given information states that renting a canoe costs $15 for the first hour and $12 for each additional hour or fraction of an hour. This implies that there are fixed initial costs and then additional costs per hour or fraction of an hour after the first hour.

Let's represent the cost function as a step function, where the x-axis represents the hours and the y-axis represents the cost. For the first hour, the cost is $15. After that, for each additional hour (or fraction of an hour), the cost is $12.

Graphically, this step function will have vertical line segments. The first segment will be a horizontal line at y = 15 from x = 0 to x = 1, representing the initial $15 cost for the first hour. From x = 1 onwards, there will be vertical line segments from x = 1 to x = 2, x = 2 to x = 3, and so on, each with a height of 12.

Now, to answer the question, we need to identify which point does not lie on this graph. Since the initial cost is $15 for the first hour, the point (1, 15) should be included in the graph. As the additional cost per hour is $12, any other point where the y-coordinate is a multiple of 12 should also be included.

Therefore, the point that is not included in the graph of this step function would be a point where the y-coordinate is not a multiple of 12. For example, the point (1.5, 20) would not be included because it implies a cost of $20 for 1.5 hours, which is not consistent with the given step function.

In summary, the point that is NOT included in the graph of this step function is any point where the y-coordinate is not a multiple of 12.
