what is a major motivation for jihadists

A major motivation for jihadists is the belief in their ideology and the pursuit of a radical interpretation of Islam. To understand this motivation, it's important to explore the factors that contribute to the radicalization of individuals who join jihadist organizations.

One key factor is the sense of identity and belonging that extremist groups provide. For many vulnerable individuals, joining a jihadist organization offers a sense of purpose, meaning, and camaraderie. It provides them with a chance to be part of a "greater cause" and fight for what they perceive to be a just and righteous struggle.

Another motivation is the perception of social and political injustices. Many jihadists view the world through a lens of perceived grievances and perceive western interventions, conflicts, or policies as unjust and detrimental to Muslim communities. This can fuel anger and resentment, leading some individuals to join jihadist groups.

Religious ideology plays a vital role as well. Extremist interpretations of Islam can provide a framework that justifies violence and acts of terrorism. These interpretations often manipulate religious scriptures to support their cause, leading some individuals to believe that engaging in violence is a religious duty or a path to martyrdom.

It's worth noting that these motivations vary for each individual, and not all followers of Islam or Muslims are driven by these factors. Radicalization is a complex phenomenon influenced by personal, political, social, and cultural factors, which makes it important to approach the subject with nuance and avoid stereotyping or generalizing.

I think the motivation may vary from person to person and group to group. Read lots.
