The concentration of H2SO4 in a bottle labelled "concentrated sulphuric acid" is 18M what does it mean

It means that there are 18 mols ,each mole containing about 6*10^23 molecules (Avagadro's number), of H2SO4 in every liter. The H2SO4 is mainly in ionic form as H+ and SO4-2 ions.

give me answer

A concentration of 18M means that the bottle of "concentrated sulphuric acid" contains a solution of sulfuric acid where the molarity is 18 moles per liter (M). This concentration indicates the amount of sulfuric acid dissolved in the solution. In other words, for every liter of the solution, there are 18 moles of sulfuric acid present. The higher the molarity, the more concentrated the solution is.

The concentration of H2SO4 in a bottle labelled "concentrated sulphuric acid" as 18M means that the solution contains 18 moles of sulfuric acid per liter of solution. The letter "M" stands for molar, which is a unit of concentration commonly used in chemistry.

To understand how to calculate the concentration of a solution, you need to know the number of moles of the solute (in this case, sulfuric acid) and the volume of the solution. The formula for molarity (M) is:

M = moles of solute / volume of solution (in liters)

In this case, if the label states that the concentration is 18M, it means that you have 18 moles of sulfuric acid in every liter of the solution.

Please note that concentrated sulfuric acid is highly corrosive and should be handled with care, following appropriate safety protocols.