The table shows the number of students in a middle school at the beginning of the year and the percentage that can be expected to move out of the area by the end of the year.

8. How many 7th grade students are expected to move by the end of the year? If 12 students actually moved, did more or fewer 7th grade students move than expected? Justify your answer.
I am a bit confused on this please help.

6th 7th 8th
Number of Students 250 200 150
% Moves 2% 4% 8%

0.04 * 200 = 8 expected number of 7th graders to move

Hello Ms. Sue. I understand this one now.

Thank you. More 7th graders moved than expected.

Yes. You're welcome.

To find out how many 7th grade students are expected to move by the end of the year, you can follow these steps:

1. Look at the table to find the percentage of 7th grade students that can be expected to move, which is 4%.
2. Multiply the percentage with the total number of 7th grade students at the beginning of the year (200) to find the expected number of moves.
Expected number of moves = 4% * 200 = 0.04 * 200 = 8

Hence, it is expected that 8 7th grade students will move by the end of the year.

To determine whether more or fewer 7th grade students moved than expected, compare the expected number of moves with the actual number of moves.

The actual number of 7th grade students who moved is given as 12.

Since 12 is greater than 8, it can be concluded that more 7th grade students moved than expected.

Justification: The expected number of moves is based on the percentage provided in the table, and it assumes that the percentage holds true for the entire 7th grade student population. However, in reality, the actual number of moves can vary due to individual circumstances or other factors. In this case, the actual number of moves (12) is higher than the expected number (8), indicating that more 7th grade students moved out of the area than what was initially predicted.