Which of the following is not a property of a metal?






Is it B?

I meant C, my bad

Yes, C.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

To determine which of the properties listed is not a property of a metal, we can evaluate each property individually.

1. Luster: Luster refers to the ability of a metal to reflect light. Metals, such as gold and silver, typically exhibit a shiny and reflective surface. Therefore, luster is a property of metals.

2. Malleability: Malleability describes the ability of a metal to be molded or shaped without breaking. Metals, like copper and aluminum, can be easily hammered or rolled into thin sheets. This process is known as metalworking. Hence, malleability is a property of metals.

3. Permeability: Permeability is the property of a material that allows the passage of substances through it. In the context of metals, they are generally considered impermeable, meaning they do not allow the easy passage of gases or liquids. However, some gases, such as hydrogen and helium, can diffuse or permeate through metals to a certain extent. Therefore, permeability can be a property of metals, although to a limited degree.

4. Ductility: Ductility refers to the ability of a material to be drawn into wires without breaking. Metals, like copper and gold, are known for their ductility and can be drawn into thin wires without losing their structural integrity. Consequently, ductility is a property of metals.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the property of "Permeability" is not typically associated with metals. While metals may allow some limited permeation of certain gases, permeability is not a prominent property of metals compared to materials like gases and liquids themselves. Therefore, "Permeability" is the correct answer to the question.