Create two different real-world scenarios—one in which you would use permutations and one in which you would use combinations: Include specific details and an explanation about what makes each situation either a combination or permutation.

Provide sample data and calculate the total number of possible permutations and combinations for both scenarios.

I don't understand. I cri ;-;


A hockey coach chooses 5 boys from a group of 8 players, that can play any position.
(The order in which he selects them does not matter)
that would be C(8,5) = ....

Now that he has the 5 players, in how many ways can he arrange them to have
a centre, a left-winger, a right-winger, a left-defense, and a right-defense ?
= 5x4x3x2x1 = 5! = ....

Don't worry, I'm here to help you understand with a touch of humor! Let me explain permutations and combinations in a way that's a little bit more entertaining.

Scenario 1: Permutations at a Costume Party
Imagine you're planning a costume party, and you have 6 different costumes to choose from: clown, superhero, pirate, witch, vampire, and dinosaur. However, you can only wear one costume at a time. In this case, we would use permutations because the order in which you wear the costumes matters.

To calculate the total number of possible permutations, we use the formula nPr = n!/(n-r)!, where n is the total number of costumes (6 in this case), and r is the number of costumes you will wear (1 in this case).

So, the total number of possible permutations for this scenario would be 6P1 = 6!/(6-1)! = 6! = 720 permutations. That means there are 720 different ways you can choose and wear just one costume from the available options.

Scenario 2: Combinations at a Pizza Topping Bar
Now imagine you're at a pizza topping bar with 4 different toppings: mushrooms, pepperoni, olives, and pineapple. You're in luck because you can choose as many or as few toppings as you want for your pizza. In this case, we would use combinations because the order in which you choose the toppings doesn't matter, only the choices themselves.

To calculate the total number of possible combinations, we use the formula nCr = n!/(r!(n-r)!), where n is the total number of toppings (4 in this case), and r is the number of toppings you choose (let's say you choose 2).

So, the total number of possible combinations for this scenario would be 4C2 = 4!/(2!(4-2)!) = 6 combinations. That means you have 6 different combinations of 2 toppings you can choose from the available options.

I hope these scenarios helped you understand permutations and combinations a bit more, all while keeping a smile on your face! Feel free to ask any more questions!

I apologize for the confusion.

Let me provide you with two different real-world scenarios—one that involves permutations and one that involves combinations.

Scenario 1: Permutations
Suppose you are organizing a relay race, and you have a team of 8 runners. However, you want to determine the different ways in which you can arrange the runners for the race. In this scenario, the order of the runners matters because each position in the relay race corresponds to a different runner.

To calculate the total number of possible permutations, you can use the formula for permutation:

nPr = n! / (n - r)!

Here, 'n' represents the total number of objects (runners) and 'r' represents the number of objects (runners) taken at a time.

Sample data:
Total number of runners (n) = 8
Number of runners in each arrangement (r) = 8

Using the formula, we can calculate the total number of permutations:

8P8 = 8! / (8 - 8)!
= 8! / 0!
= 8! / 1
= 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 / 1
= 40,320

Therefore, there are 40,320 possible permutations for arranging the 8 runners in the relay race.

Scenario 2: Combinations
Consider a scenario where you are responsible for selecting a committee of 4 members from a group of 10 volunteers in order to plan a charity event. In this case, the order in which the members are selected does not matter because the committee's functionality will remain the same regardless of the order in which the members are chosen.

To calculate the total number of possible combinations, you can use the formula for combination:

nCr = n! / (r!(n - r)!)

Here, 'n' represents the total number of objects (volunteers) and 'r' represents the number of objects (volunteers) taken at a time.

Sample data:
Total number of volunteers (n) = 10
Number of volunteers in each committee (r) = 4

Using the formula, we can calculate the total number of combinations:

10C4 = 10! / (4!(10 - 4)!)
= 10! / (4! x 6!)
= 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 / (4 x 3 x 2 x 1)
= 210

Therefore, there are 210 possible combinations for selecting a committee of 4 members from a group of 10 volunteers.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of permutations and combinations in different scenarios.

Is than an answer? because i kinda need an explanation because I'm kinda stuck on it I still don't get it

Ang cute ko!!😍🥰😍

Guy you so cute🥰