Carla the baker worked four hours to make cookies. She ended with 380 cookies altogether. Write an equation to express how many cookies Carla made each hour.

380 / 4 = 95

Yee. If you want to help other students, at least follow directions!! Your example is not an equation. Your answer would earn the student a zero for this problem.

To write an equation to express how many cookies Carla made each hour, we can use a variable to represent the number of cookies made in one hour. Let's use "x" as the variable.

Since Carla worked for four hours and made 380 cookies altogether, we can set up the equation:

4x = 380

In this equation, 4 represents the number of hours Carla worked, and x represents the number of cookies Carla made per hour. The right side of the equation, 380, represents the total number of cookies Carla made.

To find the value of x, divide both sides of the equation by 4:

4x/4 = 380/4

x = 95

Therefore, the equation to express how many cookies Carla made each hour is:

x = 95

Carla made 95 cookies each hour.

4c = 380

this is not the right question it was supposed to be 5 hours not 4