A taxi cab company charges $8.00 per ride plus $0.75 for each mile driven. Which equation models the total cost (c), in dollars, of a taxi cab ride, where m is the number of miles driven?

C = .75m + 8

no choices given, but it will look something like

c = 8.00+0.75m

A babysitting service charges an initial $5.00 fee plus an additional fee of $6.50 per hour. Write a linear equation in the form y=mx+b that represents this relationship where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Well, if we break it down, the cost of a taxi cab ride has two components: a fixed fee of $8.00, and an additional charge of $0.75 for each mile driven. So, using some fancy math symbols, we can express it as:

c = 8.00 + 0.75m

Just remember, my calculations are always on point, but my jokes might be a little off the mark!

To find the equation that models the total cost of a taxi cab ride, we need to consider two components: the fixed cost per ride and the variable cost based on the distance driven.

Let's break it down:

Fixed cost per ride: The taxi cab company charges $8.00 per ride, which remains constant regardless of the distance.

Variable cost based on distance: The company also charges $0.75 for each mile driven. This cost varies depending on the number of miles traveled.

Now, we can combine the fixed and variable costs to form the equation for the total cost (c) in terms of the number of miles driven (m):

c = Fixed cost per ride + Variable cost based on distance

The fixed cost per ride is $8.00.

The variable cost based on distance is $0.75 multiplied by the number of miles driven, which can be represented as 0.75m.

So, the equation that models the total cost (c) in dollars of a taxi cab ride, where m is the number of miles driven, is:

c = 8.00 + 0.75m