6. which of the following collects payroll tax?

a. state and local governments
b. federal government only
c. state government only
d. local and federal governments

i think its a. or d.

The answer is actually B! >:^)


To determine which option collects payroll tax, let's break down the choices and their respective responsibilities for collecting taxes:

a. State and local governments: While states and local governments do collect certain taxes, like state income tax and local sales tax, they usually do not collect payroll tax directly. Instead, they rely on the federal government to collect payroll taxes.

b. Federal government only: The federal government collects payroll taxes through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). These taxes are used to fund various federal programs, including Social Security and Medicare.

c. State government only: As mentioned earlier, state governments typically collect other taxes but not payroll taxes directly.

d. Local and federal governments: Local governments, like counties or municipalities, do not generally have the authority to collect payroll taxes. Payroll taxes are primarily collected by the federal government, as mentioned above.

Based on this breakdown, the correct option is b. Federal government only, as they are primarily responsible for collecting payroll taxes.

None of these answers is correct. The Federal government certainly collects income taxes, so do most states, and some cities have a local income tax, too. D is your best answer, but it's not accurate.

so what is it


You are correct, child, but you need to not cheat.