A car is parked in a car-park from 07 45 to 16 30 on the same day. Find:

a. the total time for which the car is parked
b. the parking fee if the rate of charges is $2.50 for the first hour and 80 cents for each half hour or a part of a half hour thereof.

To find the total time for which the car is parked, we can subtract the departure time from the arrival time.

a. Total time for which the car is parked:
To calculate the total time, we need to consider the hours and minutes separately.

Arrival Time: 07:45
Departure Time: 16:30

Let's calculate the total time in hours and minutes:
Hours: 16 - 7 = 9 hours
Minutes: 30 - 45 = -15 minutes (negative because we borrowed an hour from the hours)

To convert the negative minutes to positive, we need to add 60 to it:
Minutes: -15 + 60 = 45 minutes

So, the car is parked for a total of 9 hours and 45 minutes.

b. Parking Fee Calculation:
The rate of charges is $2.50 for the first hour and 80 cents for each half hour or a part of a half hour.

First, let's calculate the fee for the first hour:
Fee for the first hour = $2.50

Next, we need to calculate the fee for the remaining time, i.e., 8 hours and 45 minutes (after deducting the first hour):

Fee for the remaining time:
Hours: 8 hours * $2.00 (charge per hour) = $16.00
Minutes: 45 minutes * $0.80 (charge per half hour) = $36.00

Adding the fees for the first hour and the remaining time:
Total Parking Fee = Fee for the first hour + Fee for the remaining time
Total Parking Fee = $2.50 + $16.00 + $36.00
Total Parking Fee = $54.50

Therefore, the parking fee for the given time period is $54.50.

What part of this problem don't you understand?