what value of resistance should be placed.in parallel with 50microfarad capacitor in order to have a total power factor of 0.8 on a 6p-cycle ac system?

It should be 60-cycle

Xc = -j1/WC = -j1/377*50*10^-6 = -j53.1 Ohms. = 53.1 Ohms[-90o].

Pf = Cos A = 0.8, A = 36.9o.

Tan36.9 = R/Xc = R/53.1,
R = 39.9 Ohms.

Check: The impedance (Z) should have an angle of (-36.9o).
Z = R*Xc/(R - jXc) = 39.9*(53.1[-90o]/(39.9 - j53.1) = 2117[-90o] / 66.4[-53.1o] = 31.9 Ohms[-36.9o].

Why did the capacitor go to therapy? Because it had issues with finding the right resistance to complement its power factor!

But in all seriousness, let's solve this. To find the value of resistance required to achieve a power factor of 0.8, we need to use the formula:

Power factor (pf) = Resistance (R) / Impedance (Z)

Impedance (Z) is the total opposition to current flow in an AC circuit and is given by the formula:

Z = √(R^2 + X^2)

Where X is the reactance of the capacitor, given by:

X = 1 / (2πfC)

Given that the capacitor is 50 microfarads and the AC system has a frequency of 6p cycles, we can substitute these values:

X = 1 / (2π * 6p * 50μF)

Assuming p is the usual abbreviation for pi, we can simplify this to:

X = 1 / (12π * 50μF)

Solving this equation gives us the value of X, then we can use the power factor formula to calculate the resistance required. But hey, who needs all those numbers when we can simply say:

In order to achieve a total power factor of 0.8, you should go for a resistance that pairs well with the 50μF capacitor. Just make sure they don't argue too much about who's taking up too much current!

To determine the value of resistance that should be placed in parallel with a 50 microfarad capacitor in order to have a total power factor of 0.8 on a 6P-cycle AC system, we need to calculate the total impedance and then find the required resistance.

Step 1: Calculate the total impedance:
The total impedance (Z) is the vector sum of the impedance of the capacitor (Zc) and the impedance of the resistor (ZR).

For a capacitor, impedance (Zc) is given by:
Zc = 1 / (2πfC)
- π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14
- f is the frequency of the AC system in Hz
- C is the capacitance of the capacitor in farads

In this case, the capacitance (C) is 50 microfarads, which is equal to 50 × 10^-6 farads.

Step 2: Assuming 6 P-cycles mean 6 times the frequency of the AC system:
Since 6P-cycles mean 6 times the frequency of the AC system, the frequency (f) would be (6 × F), where F is the frequency of the AC system.

Step 3: Calculate the total impedance:
Using the formula above, we can calculate the total impedance (Z) by substituting the values of frequency (f) and capacitance (C) into the formula.

Step 4: Calculate the required resistance:
The power factor (PF) is equal to the cosine of the phase angle (θ) between the voltage and current in an AC system. In this case, the power factor (PF) is given as 0.8.

For a parallel RLC circuit, the power factor (PF) can be calculated as:
PF = R / Z
- R is the resistance in ohms
- Z is the total impedance in ohms

In this case, the power factor (PF) is given as 0.8, and we have already calculated the total impedance (Z).

Step 5: Rearrange the formula to solve for the required resistance (R) and substitute the known values:
R = PF × Z

Once you calculate the required resistance (R), you will have the value needed to be placed in parallel with the 50 microfarad capacitor to achieve a total power factor of 0.8 on the 6P-cycle AC system.

power factor= resistive power/apparent power

resistive power (parallel ckt)=V^2/R
apparent power= V^2/sqrt(R^2+(Xc)^2)

.8= sqrt(R^2+Xc^2)/R= sqrt(1-(2PI*f*C/R)^2) where Xc= j*2PI*fC

squaraing both sides...

and from then, just solve for R.