What does RENAISSANCE mean?

Renewal ***






My new answer is Rebirth.

Yes, rebirth.

The Real answer is rebirth

The term "Renaissance" refers to a period in European history, spanning roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, characterized by a renewed interest in the arts, sciences, and learning. It was a time of great cultural and intellectual awakening, marked by a revival of classical ideas and a shift towards humanism.

To get the meaning of a word like "Renaissance," you can try the following steps:

1. Use a dictionary: A good place to start is by looking up the term in a reputable dictionary like Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary. These dictionaries provide concise definitions and often include additional information about the origin and historical context of the word.
2. Research online: The internet is a valuable resource for exploring the meaning of words. You can look up the term on search engines like Google or use online dictionaries like Dictionary.com or Cambridge Dictionary. Websites like Wikipedia also provide detailed explanations and historical context for complex terms like "Renaissance."
3. Expand your search: If you want to understand the term better, you can dive deeper into the subject by exploring related books, articles, or encyclopedias dedicated to the Renaissance. These sources often provide comprehensive information about the historical and cultural significance of the period.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of the meaning behind the term "Renaissance."