the gross salary of five employees in maendeleo books enterprise is based on basic salary and additional benefits as follows:

a).employees who have worked for the company for more than 10 years receive an additional pay of 10%to their basic salary.
b).monthly salary bonus based on monthly sales of books as follows:
monthly sales bonus rate(%)
above 500,000 15
between 250,00 and 500,000 10
below 250,000 5

draw a flowchart for a program that would be used to calculate the gross salary then output each employees basic salary,gross salary and all benefits

To create a flowchart for the program that calculates the gross salary and outputs the basic salary, gross salary, and all benefits for each employee, follow these steps:

1. Start: Begin the program.

2. Input: Prompt the user to enter the basic salary for employee 1. Store the value.

3. Calculate Additional Pay: Check if the employee has worked for the company for more than 10 years. If yes, calculate the additional pay as 10% of the basic salary. If no, set the additional pay to zero.

4. Input Monthly Sales: Prompt the user to enter the monthly sales for employee 1. Store the value.

5. Calculate Monthly Bonus: Check the monthly sales value against the bonus rate thresholds. Calculate the monthly bonus accordingly.

6. Calculate Gross Salary: Sum up the basic salary, additional pay, and monthly bonus to get the gross salary.

7. Output: Display the basic salary, gross salary, additional pay, and monthly bonus for employee 1.

8. Repeat Steps 2-7 for employees 2 to 5: Use a loop to repeat the calculations and outputs for the remaining employees.

9. End: Finish the program.

Here is a flowchart representation of the program:

| Start |
| Input BS |
| Calc AddPay |
| Input MSales |
| Calc MBonus |
| Calc Gross |
| Output |
| Repeat |
| End Loop |
| End |

Note: This flowchart assumes that you can write the program logic to implement the calculations and outputs based on the given conditions for each employee.

Here is a step-by-step approach to draw a flowchart for the program:

1. Start the program.
2. Get the basic salary of the employee as input.
3. Get the number of years the employee has worked for the company as input.
4. Calculate the additional pay based on the number of years.
a. If the number of years is more than 10, calculate the additional pay by multiplying the basic salary by 0.1 (10%).
b. If the number of years is 10 or less, the additional pay is 0.
5. Get the monthly sales of books as input.
6. Calculate the monthly bonus based on the sales.
a. If the sales are above 500,000, calculate the bonus by multiplying the basic salary by 0.15 (15%).
b. If the sales are between 250,000 and 500,000, calculate the bonus by multiplying the basic salary by 0.10 (10%).
c. If the sales are below 250,000, calculate the bonus by multiplying the basic salary by 0.05 (5%).
7. Calculate the gross salary by adding the basic salary, additional pay, and monthly bonus.
8. Output the employee's basic salary, gross salary, additional pay, and monthly bonus.
9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for the remaining employees.
10. End the program.

Note: The flowchart can be designed using standard flowchart symbols and connecting the steps in a logical order.