Explain how to form the usted form of the imperative of the regular -ar verb hablar

I know that -ar verbs end in e

Correct = the oposite vowel. -ar verbs using “e” and -ir, -er verbs using “a”


go to the website spanishdict it should help :)

Thank you

To form the usted form of the imperative of the regular -ar verb "hablar," you would typically follow these steps:

1. Start with the infinitive form of the verb: "hablar."
2. Remove the -ar ending from the infinitive form, leaving just the stem: "habl-".
3. Change the -ar ending to -e for the usted form: "hable."

So, to form the usted form of the imperative of "hablar," you would use "hable."

Remember, this form is used to give a command or make a request to someone you would refer to formally or respectfully as "usted."