A taxi ride costs $3 plus $2.50 per mile. Write and graph an equation in two variables that represents the total cost of a taxi ride. Let mm represent number of miles and cc represent the total cost (in dollars) of the taxi ride.


how do you graph it?

To write the equation, we need to consider the given information: a taxi ride costs $3 plus $2.50 per mile. Let's break it down:

The $3 is the base fare, which is added to every taxi ride, regardless of the distance traveled.

The $2.50 per mile is the additional cost for each mile traveled. We can multiply the number of miles (m) by $2.50 to find the additional cost based on the distance.

Therefore, the equation representing the total cost (c) of a taxi ride in terms of the number of miles would be:

c = 3 + 2.50m

To graph this equation, consider m as the x-axis and c as the y-axis. Plot the points where the line intersects the axes:

When m = 0, c = 3. So the point (0, 3) represents the starting point of $3 (y-intercept).

When c = 0, 3 + 2.50m = 0. Solving for m, we get m = -3/2.50 = -1.2. So the point (-1.2, 0) represents the distance of -1.2 miles where the cost is $0 (x-intercept).

Now, plot these two points and draw a line passing through them. This line represents the total cost of a taxi ride as the number of miles increases.

Note: The line should be a straight line since it has a constant slope of $2.50 per mile.

Thank you, this helped alot

c = 3 + 2.50 X m
