write an equation that includes division that relates the number of minutes a seal (22mins) can stay under water to the number of minutes a sperm whale (112mins) can stay under water.

x = 112/22

Thank you so much!!!

Thank steve

To write an equation that relates the number of minutes a seal can stay underwater to the number of minutes a sperm whale can stay underwater, we need to use division.

Let's represent the number of minutes a seal can stay underwater as 'S' and the number of minutes a sperm whale can stay underwater as 'W'.

The equation can be written as:

S / W = 22 / 112

Here, we divide the number of minutes a seal can stay underwater (S) by the number of minutes a sperm whale (W) can stay underwater. The ratio of 22 minutes (seal's capability) to 112 minutes (sperm whale's capability) is calculated by dividing the two numbers on either side of the equation.

Simplifying the equation, we have:

S / W = 1 / 5

So, the equation that relates the number of minutes a seal can stay underwater to the number of minutes a sperm whale can stay underwater is S / W = 1 / 5.