Compare and contrast the fight for civil rights for Mexican Americans and African Americans.

(someone please help)

@Anonymous Writeacher IS doing their job! They're helping students FIND the answers that they need and not just handing them over. If they handed the answers over then we would never learn anything! Your opinion was uncalled for and rude, please don't bully people because you didn't bet what you wanted.

Sure! I can help with that. To compare and contrast the fight for civil rights for Mexican Americans and African Americans, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the historical context: Begin by examining the timeline and historical backdrop of both groups' struggles for civil rights. Look into significant events like the Civil Rights Movement for African Americans (1950s-1960s) and the Chicano Movement for Mexican Americans (1960s-1970s).

2. Identify the goals and demands: Determine the key objectives and demands of each movement. African Americans fought against racial segregation, voting rights suppression, and discrimination in various forms. Mexican American civil rights activists aimed to combat discrimination, improve labor conditions, challenge educational inequality, and fight for recognition of their cultural identity and heritage.

3. Analyze the approaches and strategies: Study the different methods employed by both groups to achieve their goals. For example, the African American struggle heavily relied on nonviolent protests, civil disobedience, and legal battles (e.g., Brown v. Board of Education, Montgomery Bus Boycott). Mexican American activists utilized similar tactics but also emphasized direct action, community organizing, and advocacy for labor rights (e.g., United Farm Workers organization led by Cesar Chavez).

4. Examine the level of support and alliances: Consider the alliances and relationships each group formed during their respective struggles. African Americans gained significant support from civil rights organizations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and received backing from influential figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. Mexican American activists collaborated with organizations like the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), and forged alliances with other minority groups.

5. Evaluate the impact and outcomes: Assess the overall impact of the civil rights efforts by both groups. Examine the legislative changes, court rulings, and social transformations that occurred as a result of their struggles. Consider the progress made in areas of desegregation, voting rights, educational opportunities, and the representation of both groups in politics and media.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to make meaningful comparisons and contrasts between the fight for civil rights for Mexican Americans and African Americans.

Please use your text, study materials, and a good search engine or two to find your answers.

1. Go to

2. Type in civil rights leaders african americans (or whatever search terms you need). Press Enter.

3. Read different search results until you find what you need.

4. Type in civil rights leaders mexican americans (or whatever search terms you need). Press Enter.

5. Read different search results until you fine what you need.

6. Re-search with different search terms if you don't find all you need.