Which number can be inserted in the parentheses to make the statement true?

-3 1/4 > ( )
A. -3
B. 2 1/2
C. -1 1/2
D. -5 1/3
I think it'd be -5 1/3 because when you're in the negatives the smaller number (Like -3 1/4 in this case) is actually bigger. And so, I'm thinking -3 1/4 > -5 1/3 Am I correct?

Exactly and - 5 1/3 is the only one to the left of (less than) -3 1/4

Yes, put the two on a number line. Which one is to the right ? :)

So, if it were on a number line it'd go -5 1/3, -3 1/4, 2 1/2?

-5 1/3 , -3 1/4 , -3 , -1 1/2 , 0 , + 2 1/2

-3 1/4 is greater than -5 1/3
but is less than all the others

you're right -5 1/3 is right.

To determine which number can be inserted in the parentheses to make the statement true, let's compare the given number -3 1/4 with the answer choices.

We have:
-3 1/4 > ( )

To compare two fractions, they need to have the same denominator. Let's convert -3 1/4 to a mixed fraction with the same denominator as the answer choices.

-3 1/4 = -13/4

Now, let's compare -13/4 with each answer choice:

A. -3 = -12/4
B. 2 1/2 = 5/2
C. -1 1/2 = -3/2
D. -5 1/3 = -16/3

Comparing -13/4 with each answer choice:

-13/4 > -12/4 (A) - False
-13/4 > 5/2 (B) - False
-13/4 > -3/2 (C) - True
-13/4 > -16/3 (D) - True

Therefore, the correct answer is C. -1 1/2.