At Supermart an IPod that originally sold for 74.99 dollars was discounted 25 percent in April and then another 15 percent of the already discount price in May. At Bigmart that same IPod that originally sold for 74.99 dollars was discounted 15 percent in April and then another 25 percent of the already discount price in May. Which store is offering the better price after both discounts are taken?

a. both
b. supermart
c. bigmart

Original price = 75 (Can be approximated, it doesn't change the answer)


First discount = 25% of 75 = 0.25*75 = 18.75 , Cost = 75 - 18.75 = 56.25
Second discount = 15% of 56.25 = 8.43 , Final Cost = 56.25 - 8.43 = 47.8

Follow the same procedure for bigmart, the one with a lower price offers the better price.

To determine which store is offering the better price after both discounts are taken, we need to calculate the final price at each store after the two discounts.

Let's start with Supermart:
In April, the iPod was discounted by 25%. So the price after the April discount would be:
Original Price = $74.99
Discounted Price in April = $74.99 - (25% of $74.99)
Discounted Price in April = $56.24

Now, let's calculate the price after the additional 15% discount in May:
Discounted Price in May = $56.24 - (15% of $56.24)
Discounted Price in May = $47.80

Now let's move on to Bigmart:
In April, the iPod was discounted by 15%. So the price after the April discount would be:
Original Price = $74.99
Discounted Price in April = $74.99 - (15% of $74.99)
Discounted Price in April = $63.74

Now, let's calculate the price after the additional 25% discount in May:
Discounted Price in May = $63.74 - (25% of $63.74)
Discounted Price in May = $47.81

Comparing the final prices, we can see that the price at Supermart after both discounts is $47.80, while the price at Bigmart after both discounts is $47.81.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
c. bigmart

Bigmart is offering the better price after both discounts are taken.