Include a colon and an explanation.

The town reminded me of my childhood vacations: both were on the beach.

Is this right?

I mean, I'd think so. I'm pretty sure that a colon is another way of making a pause or something close to that.

thanks for helping

Yes, your sentence is correct.

The colon (:) is used here to introduce an explanation or clarification that follows after a complete sentence. In your sentence, the first part "The town reminded me of my childhood vacations" is a complete sentence. The colon serves as a way to signal that an explanation or elaboration will be provided. The second part of the sentence "both were on the beach" is the explanation or clarification that directly relates to the first part of the sentence. So, the colon helps to connect these two ideas and show their relationship.

Yes, it’s right.

Alexandria should NOT answer questions about which she is not 100% confident. Please! “Pretty sure” is not good enough. One student has already been messed up today!