idenitfy the most significant factor contributing to the challenges facing modern native Americans in new Mexico.give to reasons to justify your choice.then,propose one possible solution to adress this factor

The most significant factor contributing to the challenges facing Native Americans in New Mexico is the historical and ongoing marginalization and discrimination they have faced. Two reasons that justify this choice are:

1. Historical Trauma: Native Americans in New Mexico have experienced centuries of colonization, forced assimilation, and displacement that have had a profound impact on their communities. This historical trauma has led to various social, economic, and health disparities that are still persistent today.

2. Limited Access to Resources: Native American communities in New Mexico often face limited access to basic resources like education, healthcare, housing, and economic opportunities. This lack of access further perpetuates the challenges they face and makes it difficult to break the cycle of poverty and marginalization.

One possible solution to address this factor is:

Economic Empowerment and Community Development: Implementing programs that focus on economic empowerment through job creation, entrepreneurship, and skill development can help alleviate the challenges faced by Native American communities in New Mexico. By providing access to resources, training, and support, these initiatives can help Native Americans build sustainable livelihoods and improve their overall well-being. Additionally, prioritizing community-led development projects that respect and uplift the cultural values and traditions of Native American communities can help strengthen their self-determination and resilience.

What does your text identify is native Americans' biggest problem?