26 23/27 is 106 2/11 percent of what number?

26 23/27 = (x/100) 106 2/11

2685.19 = 106.1818 x
x = 25.29

awesome thanks

To find the number that 106 2/11 percent of 26 23/27 represents, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
26 23/27 = (27 * 26 + 23)/27 = (702 + 23)/27 = 725/27

Step 2: Convert the percent to a decimal.
106 2/11 percent = 106 + (2/11) = (106 * 11 + 2)/11 = (1166 + 2)/11 = 1168/11
Divide by 100 to convert it to a decimal: 1168/11 ÷ 100 = 1168/1100 = 1.06

Step 3: Multiply the decimal by the fraction.
1.06 * (725/27) = (1.06 * 725) / 27 = 768.5 / 27

Step 4: Simplify the fraction (if possible).
The fraction 768.5 / 27 cannot be simplified, so that is the final answer.

Therefore, 26 23/27 is 106 2/11 percent of 768.5.