1.) in the case of schenck vs united states justice oliver wendell holmes jr wrote: "the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic." this is an example of what kind of rights?

A: absolute rights
B: natural rights
C: civil rights
D: relative rights

2.) what are civil liberties?

A: freedom that have been granted by congress
B: freedoms that protect people from government
C: rights that are granted to citizens
D: rights that are not clearly mentioned in the constitution

3.) what was the original purpose of the bill of rights?

A: to give the people their natural rights
B: to restrict the power of the national government
C: to restrict the power of the national and state governments
D: to give power to the national government

My answers are:
1.) D
2.) B
3.) B

1. agree. Interesting that is the first question asked given the firearms situation.

2. agree. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/civil%20liberty
3. agree, it starts out, Amendment 1 ---- > "Congress will make no law........

Great job with your answers! Here's an explanation of each answer choice:

1.) The correct answer is D: relative rights. In the case of Schenck v. United States, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. was discussing the limitations on free speech. He used the example of shouting "fire" falsely in a theater to illustrate that there are limitations on free speech when it poses a clear and present danger. This demonstrates that rights can be relative and may be limited in certain circumstances.

2.) The correct answer is B: freedoms that protect people from government. Civil liberties are the fundamental rights and freedoms that protect individuals from government actions. These rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, are guaranteed by the Constitution and cannot be infringed upon by the government without due process of law.

3.) The correct answer is B: to restrict the power of the national government. The Bill of Rights, comprising the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, was added to the Constitution to ensure that individual rights were protected and to limit the powers of the federal government. It guarantees certain fundamental rights and freedoms to the people and places restrictions on the government's ability to infringe upon those rights.