posted by rfvv yesterday at 2:58am.

1. I have two health educations on Monday.
2. I have two healths on Monday.

[As a subject taught by a school nurse, which one is right, 'health education' or 'helth'? Which one is correct in the two sentences above?]
• English - Reed yesterday at 6:13am
We would say "two health classes".
3. I have two health classes on Monday.
4. I have two health education classes on Monday.
[Are both okay?]

Both are fine! :)

Both sentence 3 and sentence 4 are grammatically correct and convey the same meaning. However, in terms of style and clarity, sentence 3 is more commonly used and is preferred.

Sentence 3 - "I have two health classes on Monday." This sentence effectively conveys the information that you have two classes related to health on Monday. The word "classes" in this sentence refers to the specific lessons or periods of time dedicated to learning about health.

Sentence 4 - "I have two health education classes on Monday." This sentence is also grammatically correct. However, it is more specific in mentioning "health education" as the type of classes. Some people might choose to use this sentence if they want to emphasize that the classes are specifically focused on health education.

In practice, both sentences convey the same information, and either one can be used depending on personal preference or context.