Sammy goes out to play. His mother tells him to be home by 5:00. Sammy is almost an hour late, but he has an excuse. He says that he got lost. He tells his mother that when he checked his compass, it was pointing to the west, so he followed a path in that direction, but still had trouble finding his way home. Sammy’s mother punishes him for lying to her. How did she know he was lying?

Which direction do all compasses point?


i have this question on my geo momment

Sammy's mother knew he was lying because his excuse did not make sense. When Sammy said that he checked his compass and it was pointing to the west, his mother could have easily verified his claim by checking the actual direction of the compass.

If Sammy's compass was pointing to the west, it would mean that he was going in the opposite direction from his home. However, since Sammy was almost an hour late, it would have been highly unlikely that he could have gotten so lost even when going in the opposite direction.

Additionally, if Sammy was following a path in the west direction, he should have eventually reached a point where he would recognize his surroundings or come across a familiar landmark. Sammy's inability to find his way home even after following a path in the west direction suggests that he was not being truthful.

In summary, Sammy's mother knew he was lying because his excuse did not align with basic navigational principles and did not account for the amount of time he was late.