5 7/16 is what percent of 8 1/13 ?

0.4375 / 8.076923 = ?


Sorry -- I copied the fraction incorrectly.

5.4375 / 8.076923 = 0.6732142

To make that a percent, move the decimal point to the right two places = 67.32%

To find out what percentage 5 7/16 is of 8 1/13, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert both numbers to improper fractions.
- 5 7/16 can be converted to an improper fraction as (16 × 5 + 7) / 16 = 87/16.
- 8 1/13 can be converted to an improper fraction as (13 × 8 + 1) / 13 = 105/13.

Step 2: Find the ratio of the two fractions.
- Divide 87/16 by 105/13: (87/16) ÷ (105/13) = (87/16) × (13/105) = 1131/1680.

Step 3: Convert the fraction to a decimal.
- Divide 1131 by 1680 to get the decimal representation: 1131 ÷ 1680 ≈ 0.6732142857 (rounded to 10 decimal places).

Step 4: Convert the decimal to a percentage.
- Multiply the decimal by 100 to convert it to a percentage: 0.6732142857 × 100 ≈ 67.32%.

Therefore, 5 7/16 is approximately 67.32% of 8 1/13.