what are the mean median mode and range of the data set given the altitude of lakes in feet -9, -36, -23, -8, -17, -52, -27, and -36 A. mean=-25; median=-26; mode=-44; range=36 B. mean=-25; median=-36; mode=-36; range=44 C. mean=-26; median=-25; mode=-36; range=44 D. mean=-26; median=-44; mode=-25; range=36

**ANSWER: A mean = –28.5, median = –29.1, mode = –49, range = 40

First put them in order
- 49, - 49 , - 43 , -39 , -18, -14, -12, -9
Add the two middle numbers -39 and -18, it equals -57
Divide - 57 and 2, it equals - 28.5 <--- MEAN

Second add all the numbers together, it equals - 233, then divide by 8, which equals
- 29.1 <---MEDIAN

MODE is the number that happens most, which is -49 <--- MODE

The range is -49 - ( -9 ) = - 40 <-----RANGE

This will make it easier for your reader to understand you.

What are the mean median mode and range of the data set given?

The altitude of lakes in feet -9, -36, -23, -8, -17, -52, -27, and -36

A. mean=-25; median=-26; mode=-44; range=36
B. mean=-25; median=-36; mode=-36; range=44
C. mean=-26; median=-25; mode=-36; range=44
D. mean=-26; median=-44; mode=-25; range=36

What is your answer?

Lorraine I think your work is for another question. The work for the correct question is below. Its ok I get ditzy moments too. Have a nice day!!

ANSWER: mean = –25; median = –26; mode = –44; range = 36

Put them in order
-52, - 36, -36, -27, -23, -17, -9, -8

Select the two numbers in the middle - 27 and - 23,
- 27 + ( -23) = - 50
Divide -50 and 2
-50 / 2 = - 25 <---- MEAN

To find the Median, add all the numbers
-52 + - 36 + -36 + -27 + -23 + -17 + -9 + -8 = 208

Divide 208 and 8
-208 / 8 = - 26 <---- MEDIAN

I think you can figure out the Range and Mode yourself.

thanks 4 this i can find the range n mode myself

i cant...

To find the mean, median, mode, and range of a data set, you'll need to understand what each of these terms represents.

1. Mean: The mean is the average of all the values in the data set. To find the mean, add up all the values and divide the sum by the number of values.

2. Median: The median is the middle value in a sorted list of numbers. To find the median, you need to arrange the numbers in ascending order and find the middle value. If there is an even number of values, you take the average of the two middle values.

3. Mode: The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a data set. It's possible for a data set to have no mode, or it can have multiple modes.

4. Range: The range is the difference between the largest and smallest values in a data set. To find the range, subtract the smallest value from the largest value.

Now let's apply this knowledge to the given data set: -9, -36, -23, -8, -17, -52, -27, and -36.

1. Mean: Add up all the values: -9 + -36 + -23 + -8 + -17 + -52 + -27 + -36 = -208. Then divide by the number of values (8): -208 / 8 = -26. The mean is -26.

2. Median: Arrange the numbers in ascending order: -52, -36, -36, -27, -23, -17, -9, -8. There are 8 numbers, so the median is the 4th value, which is -27. The median is -27.

3. Mode: This data set has no mode because no value appears more than once.

4. Range: Find the smallest and largest values: -52 (smallest) and -8 (largest). The range is -8 - (-52) = 44. So the range is 44.

Comparing the calculated values to the answer choices, the correct answer is option C: mean=-26; median=-25; mode=-36; range=44.