The table shows the population of the larger U.S. cities.

A. Construct a bar graph of the data.

B. Describe how the population of San Diego changed from 1950 to 2000.

C. Which city had the greatest percent increase from 1950 to 2000?
Population of Largest U.S.|
Cities (Millions) |
_________________________ |
City | 1950 |2000 |
_____________|______|____ |
New York, NY | 7.89 |8.01 |
Los Angel,CA | 1.97 |3.69 |
Chicago, IL | 3.62 |2.9 |
Houston, TX | 0.6 |1.95 |
Philadelphia | 2.07 |1.52 |
Phoenix, AZ | 0.11 |1.32 |
San Diego,CA | 0.33 |1.22 |

What don't you understand about this assignment?

A. To construct a bar graph of the data, you would need to follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a vertical axis (y-axis) labeled "Population (Millions)" and a horizontal axis (x-axis) labeled "City."
2. Mark the values on the y-axis from 0 to the highest population value in the data (in this case, 8.01).
3. On the x-axis, write the names of the cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and San Diego.
4. For each city, draw a rectangular bar that extends from the x-axis to the corresponding population value on the y-axis. The height of each bar represents the population of the respective city.
5. Color or shade each bar differently to make it visually appealing and easy to distinguish between the bars.

B. To describe how the population of San Diego changed from 1950 to 2000, you would compare the population values for these years.

In 1950, the population of San Diego was 0.33 million, and in 2000, the population increased to 1.22 million. Therefore, the population of San Diego grew by 1.22 - 0.33 = 0.89 million.

The population of San Diego increased by 0.89 million from 1950 to 2000.

C. To determine which city had the greatest percent increase from 1950 to 2000, you would need to calculate the percent increase for each city and compare them.

To calculate the percent increase, you can use the following formula:

Percent Increase = ((New Population - Old Population) / Old Population) * 100

For each city, subtract the 1950 population from the 2000 population, divide by the 1950 population, and multiply by 100 to get the percent increase.

Here are the calculations for each city:

- New York: ((8.01 - 7.89) / 7.89) * 100 = 1.52%
- Los Angeles: ((3.69 - 1.97) / 1.97) * 100 = 87.31%
- Chicago: ((2.9 - 3.62) / 3.62) * 100 = -19.89%
- Houston: ((1.95 - 0.6) / 0.6) * 100 = 225%
- Philadelphia: ((1.52 - 2.07) / 2.07) * 100 = -26.57%
- Phoenix: ((1.32 - 0.11) / 0.11) * 100 = 1109.09%
- San Diego: ((1.22 - 0.33) / 0.33) * 100 = 269.7%

Based on these calculations, Phoenix, AZ had the greatest percent increase from 1950 to 2000 with 1109.09%.