Asking for help in re-structuring and or grammar correct:

W.E.B. Du Bois. Du Bois wrote this book in order to show readers the striving in the souls of black people. He wants readers to feel the hurt, accomplishments, and losses of blacks. “Will America be poorer if she replaces her brutal dyspeptic blundering with light-hearted but determined Negro humility?”

Are you trying to paraphrase this?

1. Read it aloud several times — at least 6 or 7 times. And yes, I mean out loud!
2. Put the page and/or webpage out of sight, and write the ideas in your own words.
3. Then post what you wrote here, and I or someone will check it for you.

Remember — whether you quote or paraphrase, you need to correctly cite this paragraph. Are you clear on how to do that?

To help you restructure and correct the grammar in your paragraph, here's a revised version:

W.E.B. Du Bois wrote this book with the intention of illustrating the inner struggles faced by black people. His aim is to evoke in readers a sense of empathy for the pain, achievements, and setbacks experienced by the black community. In the book, Du Bois poses the question, "Would America be worse off if it were to exchange its harsh, clueless behavior for a more lighthearted but resolute attitude of humility among African Americans?"

To further improve the clarity and coherence of your paragraph, you might consider adding some additional information or context to provide a better understanding of Du Bois' work or the significance of the question he poses.