how many grams of chlorine are in 2.01 grams of TiCl4?

mols TiCl4 = grams/molar mass = ?

mols Cl = 4 x mols TiCl4.
g Cl = mols Cl x atomic mass Cl = ?

To find the number of grams of chlorine in 2.01 grams of TiCl4, we need to determine the proportion of chlorine in TiCl4.

The chemical formula for titanium(IV) chloride is TiCl4, indicating that there is one titanium atom and four chlorine atoms. By looking at the chemical formula, we can see that there are four chlorine atoms in one molecule of TiCl4.

To calculate the number of grams of chlorine in 2.01 grams of TiCl4, we need to use the molar mass of TiCl4 and the molar mass of chlorine.

The molar mass of TiCl4 can be calculated by adding the molar masses of each element:
- Molar mass of titanium (Ti) = 47.867 g/mol.
- Molar mass of chlorine (Cl) = 35.453 g/mol.

To calculate the molar mass of TiCl4:
Molar mass of TiCl4 = (Molar mass of Ti) + 4 × (Molar mass of Cl)
= 47.867 g/mol + 4 × 35.453 g/mol
= 47.867 g/mol + 141.812 g/mol
= 189.679 g/mol

Now, we can calculate the proportion of chlorine in TiCl4:
Proportion of chlorine = (4 × (Molar mass of Cl)) / (Molar mass of TiCl4)
= 4 × 35.453 g/mol / 189.679 g/mol
= 141.812 g/mol / 189.679 g/mol
= 0.748

Finally, we can determine the grams of chlorine in 2.01 grams of TiCl4:
Grams of chlorine = 0.748 × 2.01 grams
= 1.507 grams

Therefore, there are approximately 1.507 grams of chlorine in 2.01 grams of TiCl4.